POETRY > She said I was a while getting born
She said I was a while getting born
I was born into a brick of chaos
the room was a shell and a song and a slow-baked smile
hands held me
so then I was a body of silver water
in a garden of roses
___________________ tall as the moon
like this
______________________________________ watch me grow into the ocean
I was meant to be and fill this small
world with my harmony
__________________________________ my sweat clings
__________________________________ to the fragrant petals
__________________ so life is not a victory march
_______________ and I am a flowing a diagonal spiral on a moonlightning breeze
this ink is kind enough to tell you my vision
Written 18/4/21
A blog written on the same day as this poem is here.
Underscore lines added to preserve formatting on this website.
Check out my blog posts on mental health and creativity.